Angradi, T., R. Hood and D. Tarter. Vertical, longitudinal and temporal
variation in the macrobenthos of an Appalachian headwater stream system. pp
Lauer, T. E., A. Spacie, and D. K. Barnes. The distribution and habitat
preferences of freshwater sponges (Porifera) in four southern Lake Michigan
harbors. pp 243-253.
Gasper, B. R., J. B. Koppelman, S. P. Schwery and T. T. Eckdahl. Genetic
variation among Cottus species in Missouri revealed by RAPD analysis. pp
Wilkinson, C. D. and D. R. Edds. Spatial pattern and environmental
correlates of a midwestern stream fish community: including spatial
autocorrelation as a factor in community analyses. pp 271-289.
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, and M. E. Pelham. Short-term variability and
long-term change in the composition of the littoral zone fish community in
Spirit Lake, Iowa. pp 290-299.
Now for the question...
Please excuse my ignorance but in the Angradi et al. article they use the
phrase "hyporheic habitat". I am not familiar with the terminology. Can
someone please clarify?
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
"If you figure out that you don't
need to figure it all out, you are
finally getting your s**t together."
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