Re: NANFA-- natives take best of show once again.

R. W. Wolff (
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 01:33:07 -0500

> Over the last decade a couple of native killies have scored B.O.S. in the
> CKA (Chicago) show. Named for former NANFA member Nancy Garcia (gone
> her time) is a special award for the winner of the native class.

I was not aware of that, and have been to one of your auctions. That is a
great rememberance. I believe this is a testament to the judges being fair,
since native fish are often held in low regard. I suspect part of this is
from the back of the mind knowing with a little gas money and luck most
people could go catch one themselves.That's too bad, since it diminshes the
effort that goes into raising and caring for the fish properly, which starts
from day one of capture, or the entire life starting with that first F1.


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