Re: NANFA-- Keeping White Suckers alive

Kris Harvey (
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 11:06:09 -0400

maybe you should try,as you put in the flake food put in the shrimp pellets
at the same time at all different places, try not to over feed but if you
put in enough at the same time they shouldnt have enough time to eat it all
befor it gets to the bottom.i have a gar and an oscar with a big pelco
sucker and thats how i have to do it.i just take the amount of food im ganna
feed them put it in a bowl and drop it all at the same time all over the
tank. i hope it helps for you.........

>From: "Harry Collins" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: NANFA-- Keeping White Suckers alive
>Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 10:10:45 -0400
>I have a White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) in a community tank of native
>fish. I never see the fish eat. The other fish are voracious, so I'm
>doubting there's anything left over for the sucker. Any ideas on how to
>ensure my sucker is getting a good diet? Any flake food put in the tank is
>immediately eaten by the blacknose daces & the sunfish. Very little of the
>brine shrimp I put in the tank makes it to the bottom. The sucker "looks"
>healthy, but so did the last one before it died.
>I have some pictures of the tank and it's contents at this URL
> Please be patient, it's a
>redirection to site I host at home via my cable ISP (hence port 80 is
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