Re: NANFA-- NANFA- size requirements for brook stickleback?
Fri, 22 Sep 2000 21:37:56 EDT

In a message dated 9/21/00 11:31:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< We have kept single male
3-spine sticklebacks in breeding condition in 5 gallon tanks. I don't
think these guys would appreciate any company but the occasional
brief date with the woman in their lives, though. We have kept adults
in the winter state of less light and lower temperatures at a density
of about 20 fish in 20 gallon tank (shallow style with maximum
surface area). We provide lots of java moss and hiding places. >>

I think that you should probably be able to keep a stickleback with 3 other
sticklebacks in a 30 gal.(at the lowest) shallow tank that is heavily
planted. Also you should keep the number of fish lower than usual. I kept 3
brook sticklebacks together in a 10 gal. and they fought too much, and I
wouldn't recommend keeping more than 1 in the same 10 gal. tank. You should
be able to get away with keeping 2 or maybe 3 together in a 20 gal., again as
long as it is heavily planted for subordinate fishes to hide in and to
obscure all of the inhabitant fishes' views of each other.

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