Re: NANFA-- Rules/Regs (was WI Collecting)

R. W. Wolff (
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 10:22:31 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard J Rego" <>

> what doesn't make sense to me....You cant drag a net 4 or 5 feet through
> the water to catch a fish,

You can, just don't get caught, ha ha. seriously though, that is a
problem. I guess seining is the best way to catch large gamefish so they
dont want you having an unfair advantage. Give me a break about my last
sentence, I was being sarcastic. It is very rare with a normal ( 8 - 12
foot) seine to catch gamefish of good size. We always here about diveristy
and stuff, but people who want to seine fish for whatever reason are looked
down on, while catching the same species on hook and line is alright. It is
pretty hard to catch darters, small minnows and killifish, and pygmy sunfish
with rod and reel. The response to that usually is, "what would anyone want
with them?". There is that bunk logic again.

> trees with your garbage. OH I just figured it out...they make money off
> of fishing licenses, not collecting permits. When was the last time you
> saw a seine or a dip net in the tree?

A "aquarium fish collecting License" would be a great Idea. If I could just
go to the bait shop and buy one, and go and follow whatever logical regs
that would cover this, that would be great. More revenue for the under
funded agencies, why not?


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