impact, so we get bad attitudes. The park systems spends thousands every
year maintaining bridal trails (they get tore up since the horse owners
ride them
after heavy rains, ect.). The same park system won't let us on these
trails because
(supposedly) our 30# bikes tear up the trails?
I've actually had a nice Ranger lady tell us "there's been complaints."
When questioned further, she claimed that we were introducing foreign
species by bringing in seeds on our knobby tires! She couldn't explain
how come
the giant piles of manure in the trail (full of foreign plant matter and
were all right.
You are correct though-I've talked to park personnel that not only want
to keep
us MB'ers out, but they would like to close the hiking trails also so no
one can
do any damage!
(There are some mountain bikers out there who do nasty things also-like
riding after
heavy rains, cutting trails that go down hill-providing huge erosion
damage, ect.)
Humans- just another destructive plague on the planet (kinda like an ice
age, or big
dumb locusts).
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