NANFA-- Fish Camp details

Irate Mormon (
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 17:51:52 -0500

OK campers, here's the plan (more or less!):

It looks like most of us will be arriving Friday afternoon, so we shuld be able to get an early start Saturday morning, UNLESS
somebody speaks now and says they can't be there until Saturday, in which case I need an ETA. If anybody wishes to share their
cell phone number so latecomers (like Stott) can locate us in the field, please do so. My wife will probably keep her phone at the
base camp (601-906-9099 -do you use area codes with cell phones? I'm clueless, I hate the damn things) so if anybody gets lost on
the way they can check in from base camp.

I have an extra tent, plus room in my big tent, if anybody needs shelter or wishes to economize. Sorry, no extra sleeping bags :-( I
also have a couple of air pumps. The campsites have electricity so you can plug right in.

Now, get out your DeLormes - Map21, please - Saturday we will be sampling Little Yellow Creek and some of the little streams that
drain Lake Pickwick. Sunday will be Bear Creek (possible canoe trip if anybody's up for it - it's a great way to sample out-of-the-way
spots), Cripple Deer Creek, and Cedar Creek.

* Note Casper* Cave Spring is NOT a good snorkeling place.

I haven't been to some of these sites - I am using "secondhand" sites, and a lot of these roads are poorly marked if at all. I thought
about buying a GPS for this and future trips, but Nah, maybe next time. Maybe one of you guys has one? In exchange for some of
the museum's "secret" honey holes, I offered to bring back some fish for their exhibits. They want Percina evides particularly, so if
we catch any I'll expect you to pony up!

You will want to bring charcoal (instant lite preferrably) and food to grill, and plates and stuff. Also MOSQUITO REPELLENT. At just
one hostpital in Jackson we have 12 cases of WNV - this virus is no joke folks. Also maybe an electric fan - the nights have been
rather cool lately but hey, why take a chance?

I think that's all for now - this is gonna be SO much fun!


Jackson, MS

Life's a fish and then you fry.
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