RE: NANFA-- Public Aquarium closing

Denkhaus, Robert (
Sun, 22 Sep 2002 17:22:37 -0500

That's great news!! I had talked to one of their employees on Wednesday and
he seemed sure that it was going to close. What a difference a day makes!!

Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Zarlinga
> Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 4:42 PM
> To:
> Cc: Chris Bonar (E-mail); Mark L. Rehling (E-mail)
> Subject: FW: NANFA-- Public Aquarium closing
> This is a response from a friend of mine who is the curator
> of the aquarium.
> It is good news!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dallas Aquarium at Fair Park
> Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 11:07 AM
> To: Nicholas J Zarlinga
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Public Aquarium closing
> Hello Nick,
> Up until last Thursday, we were planning to close our facility to the
> public.
> Due to overwhelming support from the Dallas community, the
> Aquarium will be
> remaining open to the public. In fact, we will be moving
> forward with our
> accreditation process and starting the design plan for our
> future renovation
> and expansion.
> While the Dallas Zoo is our managing entity, we are
> accredited separately
> from the Dallas Zoo due to separate admission fees,
> attendance tabulation
> and the fact we are a remote facility from the zoo (6 miles away).
> While this has not been an easy time for staff, we are
> excited about our
> plans to move forward and look forward to renewed
> participation to a larger
> variety of conservation and research projects.
> Fort Worth did close its Aquarium due to a very aging and
> deteriorating
> structure. We on the other hand continue to make improvements to our
> facility. I think its fairly understandable that many
> Aquarium and Zoo
> facilities are undergoing financial hardship --- we are no different.
> Hope you are well and I look forward to see you at next year's RAW.
> All the best
> Brian Potvin
> Aquarium Curator
> Dallas Aquarium at Fair Park
> 214-670-8456
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Zarlinga <>
> To: 'Potvin Brian' (E-mail) <>
> Date: Sunday, September 22, 2002 12:47 PM
> Subject: FW: NANFA-- Public Aquarium closing
> >What's going on here? I hope this isn't happening!
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From:
On Behalf
>Of Denkhaus, Robert
>Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 10:26 AM
>To: NANFA (E-mail)
>Subject: NANFA-- Public Aquarium closing
>FYI for anyone who keeps up with such things.
>I recently was told by an employee of the Dallas Aquarium at Fair Park that
>the facility will be closing. It appears to be mostly financial (Dallas is
>having a rough time of it financially speaking) and partly because the
>Aquarium could keep the Dallas Zoo from maintaining its American Zoo and
>Aquarium (AZA) accreditation. We lost the Fort Worth Zoo's aquarium
>this year.
>Rob Denkhaus
>Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
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