David L. McNeely, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
Langston University; P.O. Box 1500
Langston, OK 73050; email: dlmcneely-in-lunet.edu
telephone: (405) 466-6025; fax: 405) 466-3307
home page http://www.lunet.edu/mcneely/index.htm
"Where are we going?" "I don't know, are we there yet?"
----- Original Message -----
From: Derek Parr <derekparr-in-earthlink.net>
Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2005 11:26 am
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Niagara River gobies?
> I'm new to this list as well as its subject matter, and I have to
> say that I'm not quite
> ready to end this thread yet. It has been very interesting and
> raises several
> interesting questions regarding this segment of the aquatic hobby.
> Please keep in mind
> that the questions I ask do not denote any opinion of mine. These
> are things I don't
> know... therefore I ask.
> Regarding the arguement against catching and responsibly keeping
> the alien species the
> round goby:
> One arguement is that they may escape even though one may be
> responsible due to
> life's general chaos. As illustrated by Dave's story about the
> idiot who released all
> those reptiles despite being told not to. And we've probably all
> come across people
> like that. But, with that in mind, are there not several
> varieties of fish and what not
> commonly in the aquarium trade that are just as dangerous? We all
> know about Florida
> and the Apple Snail as well as many other fish and aquatic plants
> they got infested
> everywhere. And of course aquatic plants are a big problem all
> over the country.
> Particularly with the popularity of ponds. So, assuming that
> there are several fish in
> the commercial trade as dangerous (are there? I just assume there
> are), then is saying
> that one must not touch the same as saying one must not keep any
> common aquarium fish?
> if not, why not?
> And of course since the laws are quite clear about this particular
> fish it makes this
> question mute, but as a theoretical question regarding fish in
> general I'd be interested
> in hearing more discussion and opinions on it.
> thanks,
> -derek parr
> central NC
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