> Of all Cyprinellas I had bred red shiners are the easiest to spawn
> [almost always ready], but their eggs seem smallest and their young
> are the hardest for me to rear. Greenfins and others either have
> larger eggs or easier to rear youngs.
That's a good point. Allan Semeit's article suggested fry were small, but
he fed baby brine and crushed flake food and-in-least some of them made it
through ok. What have you tried feeding your baby red shiners?
One food that is popular with rainbowfish people in Australia is
vinegar eels. Would seem to me that these would be great for smaller baby
minnows too small for baby brine shrimp. But does anyone here on this use
them-in-all? I wrote an article in AFM a few years ago on them, a similar
version to that can be found here,
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