RE: NANFA-L-- Fish art opportunity

Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS (
Wed, 3 Aug 2005 13:53:35 -0500

Jim wrote:
>>>Chattahoochee River National Rec Area has an exotic Asian swamp eel that
they would like to display along with an education sign about the
consequences of introducing exotic fish. However, I'm not an aquarium
expert and have limited knowledge about how to design something. I also
don't have any money. I was wondering if you, as NANFA, would be
interested in helping the park design a habitat for the critter along with
some signage.<<<

My response to Jim:
Before you go to the trouble of designing a habitat - you might want to try
an experiment with a glass jar or tube. Some cryptic and nocturnal fishes,
especially those that are not strongly "visual," can be fooled into taking
cover by any appropriately sized solid object - even transparent objects.
Pet shops and fish stores sometimes sell glass "elbows" as shelter for such
fishes (e.g., knifefishes, mormyrids).

Swamp eels have small eyes that may be covered with a layer of skin -
suggesting "poor vision." They may do okay living in a glass house....and
the aquarium would not require re-modeling.

- Jan Hoover
Vickburg, MS
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