Re: NANFA-L-- Longnose and Spotted gar pictures

Todd D. Crail (tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu)
Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:12:44 -0400


Gar have a very simple view of life once they get out of early juvenile
stages where they'll eat each other.... You're either food or your not. I
guess that stands in the early juvenile stages too hehheh. They make great
co-habitants with sunfishes and other species that won't easily fit in their
mouth, including gape limiting shiners etc like some of the bigger Luxilus.

The tricky part is they obtain their target length very quickly, and so you
should have 24" for them to turn around. You can probably get by with an
18" depth (front to back... it doesn't matter how tall or how long) but 24"
would be better. This is _still_ going to cause nose sores (from banging
into the glass) down the road however.

Best would be a large round stock tub or pond. I don't know what kind of
housing or spousal situation you have... But if I were in TX... I'd have a
gar and bowfin pond (ie the space to put one). I'd figure out the spouse
second, and the housing third. ;)

The Muddy Maumee Madness, Toledo, OH
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Johnson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:27 AM
Subject: NANFA-L-- Longnose and Spotted gar pictures

> Several months back I posted some pictures of very young gar. Since
> then a couple of them have grown considerably. I thought you might be
> interested in seeing the changes with age.
> First refer to . The
> bottommost photo was taken yesterday. The four bottommost pictures are
> all of the same fish, but the first three were taken when the fish was
> four inches long. The consensus was the fish was a longnose gar, but
> after it has grown to 10", it's clear it's actually a spotted gar.
> Next refer to . The
> top two photos are of the same fish. The first one was taken yesterday
> and the second taken months back when the fish was much younger.
> These two gar are about to outgrow their tanks. I was thinking about
> getting a really big tank for them. Can gar be kept together?
> --Dan
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