Re: NANFA-L-- central mudminnow gravel consumption

Mike Austin (
Thu, 15 Dec 2005 10:54:07 -0800 (PST)


My guess is that the diet you provide your mudminnows is and frozen foods are best...I was just trying to provide something that was easy....although quite expensive. I swear the bag of Hikari carnivore sinking pellets was around $15.00 whereas a similar sized bag of any other pellet on the same rack was about $4.99. My brindled madtom, golden shiners, and blackstripe topminnows all go crazy over those pellets. It is only the mudminnows that have a tough time once they land on the ground.

I think it wasn't an article as much as I was search the nanfa listserve (I did a google search and just typed the words "NANFA - Feeding Central Mudminnows" ....I think there is also a to Hikari Discus Sinking Pellets....I wonder if they are a differnt color.


Mike Haren <> wrote:

Which article did you read, I must have missed it. My eastern
mudminnows are fed on a diet of frozen brine, live blood worms and live
tubiflex. Every now and then I gather some copepods and they have a
heyday with them. Oh and the occasional cherry shrimp I transfer to the
tank. It is a useless attempt to establish some but I keep trying. Is
this an ok diet for them?

Mike Haren TomsRiver ,NJ

On Dec 14, 2005,-in-7:03 PM, Mike Austin wrote:

> Hello Folks,
> I have been maintaining central mudminnows for the most part on
> Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets after reading a Nanfa article.
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