Duck River -in- Shelbyville Dam 3/8/05
central stoneroller (25+)
whitetail shiner (1)
striped shiner (abund)
northern hogsucker (1)
largemouth bass (3)
blenny darter (20+)
banded darter (3)
rainbow darter (5)
greenside darter (1)
speckled darter (30+)
coppercheek darter (2)
snubnose cf. (abund)
redline darter (abund)
banded sculpin (15+)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Grabarkiewicz" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- TN guidance.....
> Ditto the previous posts. We hit the Duck last spring and the darter
action was incredible for those more accustomed to the northern fauna. I
think we did 8 or 9 species of darters in one segment. At least:
> Blenny, Coppercheek, Speckled, Rainbow, Snubnose, Redline, Banded,
> I don't remember the exact location, it was in an urban area just
downstream of a dam. Perhaps Todd will post it.
> "Schlueter, Scott L LRB" <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This seems to be a good time to query the group. I will be in TN in early
> May for a wedding. I am going to go down early (3 or 4 days) and spend
> time sampling. I am sure in a state with the resources like TN I could
> manage to find fish but was wondering if anyone can give me some guidance
> spots to check out. I will be staying in the Nashville area but am willing
> to drive a fair bit. Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> -Scott
> Niagara River, NY (with today's seiche in Lake Erie, the river is 5 ft
> and meaner than ever....)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> matt ashton
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Black Darters now Spring Fling '06
> Whew, that sounds MUCH better.
> I'm not totally sure what time the TN AFS meeting is out on the 8th but I
> will be up-in-the TN/KY border on the river. It is probably an hour north
> the Duck/Buffalo/Tennessee confluences so I won't be far. I did some
> scouting last week and already have a few sites ive been to or know of.
> 9-10th are wide open, probably 11th too.
> Matt
> Cookeville, TN
> "Todd D. Crail" wrote:
> The watershed known as the Hiawassee.... Not the lower river, silly. I
> might be crazy but I'm not stupid lol
> If you can change your schedule on the 9th, 10th and 11th for the Duck,
> we'll make adjustments in the week to make sure we do that. Might just
> into SC fer some fiery blacks n yellowfin and then head back over on 40,
> catch the Biltmore on the way. Hopefully we can get Casper to go over that
> ridge into the Barrens so he can see what he's missin' stoppin'-in-the
> Sequatchie :) Then we'll come back later and do SC proper-like with Jeffro
> and Melanoma as a more lady-friendly vacation.
> Casper, what do you have going on the 8th? Looks like we'd be in the
> Chatty-noo area that evening. We can talk about that off list.
> Any other takers for the Duck? I could do all morning on the 11th and
> drive home. Its about 9 hours from Shelbyville to Toledo.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "matt ashton"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:51 PM
> Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Black Darters, tis the season!
> > The Hiwassee in March?! youre nuts hahaha I was praying to shock up fish
> everytime I was there during the heat of August just so I wouldnt have to
> snorkel and standing in it in September and October got really cold. So
> yeah needless to say its trout water, but also take in highly that its not
> regulated for hydropower, its for white water rafting. So early in the
> when there is no rafting, there is no real schedule to the water releases.
> This past March primarily had a 1500 cfs generation average for the day.
> SHOULD be able to safely be in the water with that though it will depend
> the actual hourly generation. For example the only time you can
> sample during the summer is on the weekends when they average about
> for the day, but that is because there is no generation from some twilight
> hour to 11 am EST. Depending on where you are, channel morphology and all
> that you can see a a difference of several feet from low to high
> I'm reall!
> > y only
> > blabbing all of this from some near ghastly experiences working in
> tailwaters when they unexpectedly start rising and youre 100 m from shore.
> >
> > I told ya my schedule river wise and the dates I gave you might be
> flexible enough that we could meet up the 9th and 10th. I've got some
> personal interest in some of the southeast TN stuff too that wont coincide
> with research sites or class work.
> >
> > Matt
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