Fairy shrimp would be cool, if you can find ground where fairy shrimp come
out when water stands there you can culture fairy shrimp by putting a shovel
full of dirt from a dried up temporary pool into a kiddy type swimming pool that
has allowed to turn green. You'll get lots of fairy shrimp which look like
brine shrimp but are much larger and faster. they swim as fast a some fish. It
can be done if you can find the dirt with the eggs. I did it with a giant
cyclops which were in the dirt instead of fairy shrimp. I've done it with fairy
shrimp but on a smaller scale. What you get depends on were you are. sometimes you
can get a whole ecology of vernal pool shrimp, clam shrimp. Fairy shrimp,
tadpole shrimp, and the giant cyclops. I want to get some more of the giant
cyclops they make great fish food and are easy to raise but they are too small for
what you want.
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Fairy shrimp would be cool, if you=20=
can find ground where fairy shrimp come out when water stands there you can=20=
culture fairy shrimp by putting a shovel full of dirt from a dried up tempor=
ary pool into a kiddy type swimming pool that has allowed to turn green. You=
'll get lots of fairy shrimp which look like brine shrimp but are much large=
r and faster. they swim as fast a some fish. It can be done if you can find=20=
the dirt with the eggs. I did it with a giant cyclops which were in the dirt=
instead of fairy shrimp. I've done it with fairy shrimp but on a smaller sc=
ale. What you get depends on were you are. sometimes you can get a whole eco=
logy of vernal pool shrimp, clam shrimp. Fairy shrimp, tadpole shrimp, and t=
he giant cyclops. I want to get some more of the giant cyclops they make gre=
at fish food and are easy to raise but they are too small for what you want.=
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