> [Original Message]
> From: <EELReprah-in-aol.com>
> To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
> Date: 1/15/2005 11:42:27 AM
> Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Live food for crappie
> In a message dated 1/15/05 10:55:35 AM, kudzu-in-kudzupatch.com writes:
> << Can
> someone recommend a larger brine shrimp, scud or something else? I really
> know very little about these types of food. >>
> Various sized earthworms can be raised-in-home. I think crappies would
> them. Or you can breed and raise something like Mummichogs. It is cheaper
to buy
> them, when you figure the cost of labor and food.
> Lee Harper
> Media, PA USA
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