David L. McNeely, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
Langston University; P.O. Box 1500
Langston, OK 73050; email: dlmcneely-in-lunet.edu
telephone: (405) 466-6025; fax: 405) 466-3307
home page http://www.lunet.edu/mcneely/index.htm
"Where are we going?" "I don't know, are we there yet?"
----- Original Message -----
From: Mysteryman <bestfish-in-alaweb.com>
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:31 am
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Tank Bottom
> At the aquarium where I used to work we had a steel 1500 gallon
> tank
> which also had more than it's fair share of problems, including
> this
> one. We solved it by pouring a 1/4 inch deep layer of liquid
> rubber
> stuff on the bottom, and it was a permanent fix. However, it
> wasn't
> cheap & it didn't smell very good.
> Come to think of it, how much leeway are you allowed in the odor
> department for this little project?
> Anyway, a faster, cheaper, easier, and probably better smelling
> option
> you could try is epoxy paint. Put a coat of metal primer on the
> entire
> bottom, and then cover it with about 4 coats of food & fish grade
> epoxy
> paint like Sweetwater brand, available-in-Aquarium EcoSystems, inc
> of
> Apopka/ORLANDO. ( They have a website ) It is very important that
> you
> use Sweetwater, Pratt & Lambert, or some other fish & food-safe
> type of
> epoxy; the stuff you'll find-in-Lowes for your garage floor simply
> won't do.
> You can have your tanks up & running in a week with this stuff.
> You'll
> need about 5 gallons if your tanks are as big as I imagine they
> probably
> are.
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