As with past conventions, an auction is being scheduled. This is a great way
for attendees to score some rare and useful items-in-ridiculously low prices
while raising money for NANFA's conservation and education programs. The
success of the auction, however, rests solely on the items that are donated.
If you're attending the convention, please bring some items to donate to the
cause. This is a great way to unload aquarium items and old books and
magazines you no longer want or need. Captive-bred fishes are also welcome.
Please contact Bob Hrabik (see below) for details on bringing fishes into
Missouri. (Not a problem, but a form is needed to keep it 100% legit.)
If you're not attending the convention but know someone who is, please give
your items to that person to bring along with him/ her. Or, if you can, mail
the item(s) to:
Robert A. Hrabik
Missouri Department of Conservation
3815 East Jackson Boulevard
Jackson, MO 63755
I'm really jazzed about this year's meeting, and I can't wait to meet old
friends and make new ones while pulling a seine.
Thanks muchly, and see you in September,
Chris Scharpf
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