For 2005, NANFA has effectively doubled the funding amount for its Gerald C.
Corcoran Education Grant, funding two grant proposals instead of one.
Jeff Grabarkiewicz of Mauhmee, Ohio, was awarded $1000 to help fund "The
Traveling Native Fish Showcase." Consisting of color display boards
featuring the photographs of Ohio nongame native fishes taken by Mr.
Grabarkiewicz and fellow Ohioan Todd Crail, field or classroom handouts, and
viewing tanks stocked with native fishes, the Showcase will be available to
teachers, nature educators, and local NANFA members-in-schools, stream
monitoring programs, and public outreach events (e.g., Earth Day, Earthfest,
county fairs, and aquarium club meetings). The displays should be ready for
distribution in October. You can read Jeff's proposal here:
Christopher Gutmann, a Naturalist-in-the Fullersburg Woods Nature Center in
Oak Brook, IL, was awarded $981 for his "Kids in the Creek" program. "Kids
in the Creek" is designed to encourage children to get into the stream
environment and collect native fishes in order to learn about the species
and the ecosystem they live in within an interpretive framework. The program
includes a new Wet Lab exhibit-in-the Fullersburg Woods visitor center, a
125-gallon aquarium with a simulated riffle-pool habitat, dissecting
microscopes set up to view live benthic macroinvertebrates, and field trips
to nearby Salt Creek in DuPage County, IL. During the field trips, students
will learn how to use dip nets and small seines, set minnow traps, and
identify the fishes they collect. The exhibit and program will be permanent
additions to the Fullersburg Woods Nature Center. The Forest Preserve
District of DuPage County will match NANFAšs grant. You can read Chris'
proposal here:
Established in 2000, the Corcoran Education Grant helps fund projects that
educate the general public about native North American fishes and their
environment. The award was established in memory of past NANFA President
Gerald C. Corcoran, who stressed public education regarding the continentšs
native fishes.
To date, NANFA has awarded over $6000 in Education Grant monies. Combining
funds distributed through its Conservation Research Grant program, NANFA has
awarded over $13,600 in grant monies since 2000. Grant monies are generated
through member dues, convention auctions, t-shirt sales, and private
Chris Scharpf
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