I dunno. Even if you lived in a duplex, if it was
advertised as having AC, then the landlord should fix
it. I manage a group of duplexes for a fellow who
owns a handfull. They are as you describe yours; low
cost for the area. Except ours are also in better
condition than most (thanks to a good maintenance
fellow). Since they are advertised as having AC (as
well as fridge, dishwasher and w/d hookups), the
tenant is essentially saying "yes, I'll pay $450 for
this duplex apartment with these ammenities".
Therefore, when they malfunction I am required to get
them fixed. Anyway, I'm not looking to cause
animosity between you and your landlord. You just may
have more right to that AC than you think.
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 18:04:14 -0400
From: Derek Parr <derekparr-in-earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- my darters
this isnt an apt complex..
its a duplex.. the landlord lives in the other half.
nice guy. He's
putting 2 daughters thru college now, and my rent is a
little low for
the area. So its a little more complicated. ;]
I think I may see if he can look-in-the AC, but the
less than perfect
insulation is just as much the problem. But you get
what you pay for.
After reading everyone's informative posts, I think
I'm going to try
tape some insulating foam around the tank, and then do
slow daily water
changes with refridgerated water, or perhaps drilling
some hole's in
fridge and pumping it in and out of a sump tank in
there. Its an old
and real beatup fridge, so the landlord may not mind
me doing that.
we shall see if I can pull it off before they boil to
thanks for the help,
- -derek parr
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