Pete Mang said he's bred them (he was-in-our Raleigh
Aquar conference 2 weeks ago), but i didnt get any
further details.
BTW - that fish you had labelled as piedmont darter
with the rectangular blotches was probably P.nevisense
chainback darter, if it was from the Neuse or Tar.
--- Gerald
>>Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 22:11:19 -0500
From: "Crail, Todd" <tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu>
Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Re: NC natives online
>> I will tell you what... These Roanoke darters are
giving it a run for most colorful Percina, now that
they're firing back up as they were chowing
down.They are right in the running with gilts and
tangerines. And they have something the other two
don't... Blue. Like midnight blue, cast off
with thesame oranges and yellows you see on tangerine
and gilts. I can't think ofanother NA fish that has
this blue. Rainbows and orangethroats come close when
they're all fired up, but not nearly as much of it,
nor is it as beautifully blended earth tones that make
Percina such a subtly ...
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