*sigh* and it's growing so well. That's why it's invasive, I guess.
re: Mark Binkley
Actually, I went to this river based on his report because several of
the species there are interesting to me.
I have rio grande cichlids, sailfin mollies, amazon mollies, and
mexican tetras that I collected here last year. Mexican tetras were
more abundant in the Nueces river, a few hours west of san antonio.
If you are ever interested in mexican tetras, they really seem to like
high flow when it's available to them. I collected about a dozen
adults from the 'boiling' water below a culvert. It may just be that
they cannot see you coming when they are in the boil. They are
extremely fast and wary. They are difficult to catch in open water.
The mexican tetras are native to that river, as are the two species of
mollies. The rio grande cichlid was originally restricted to the
lower rio grande
It's been interesting with the two species of mollies in that the male
sailfins seem to prefer to mate with the amazons rather than with the
sailfin females. I'm actually going to separate them to make sure
that the sailfins breed a little more before I dedicate a male sailfin
to the amazons.
I also saw a large number of YOY sailfin catfish, which I think were
actually pterygoplichthys. I didn't keep any of these as I have no
need for a 3 foot sailfin catfish.
If you're interested, here's a marvelous article on invasive sailfin
catfish by Jan Hoover:
Geoff Kimber
On 3/16/06, Scott Davis <unclescott-in-prodigy.net> wrote:
> The invasive plant list out of Florida, lists
> Hygrophila polysperma. They include some photos.
> http://aquat1.ifas.ufl.edu/hypopic.html
> To the dismay of some California aquarists, mere
> possession of H. polysperma there is a no-no these
> days.
> If your plants are growing out of the tank and
> developing woody shoots, it may be the larger Temple
> Plant or Giant Hygro, Hygrophila corymbosa (Nomaphila
> stricta in the older books). Once had to take garden
> sheers to cut it out of the shop light fixture it had
> invaded. It also is considered an invasive elsewhere
> than in my fishroom.
> There is also a Hygro native to Florida, Lake
> Hygrophila, Hygrophila costata,
> [Hygrophila lacustris]
> http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/hygcos.html
> Speaking of invasives, isnt the San Marcos also home
> to a lot of cichlids and pleco type catfish? Ah! Mark
> Binkley posted what he found there in 1999.
> http://www.nanfa.org/archive/nanfa/nanfanov00/0144.html
> All the best!
> Scott
> --- geoffrey kimber <gkimber2-in-gmail.com> wrote:
> > it was growing in fast moving, shallow water in
> > direct sunlight. It
> > was pretty much bend completely over because the
> > current was very
> > strong.
> >
> > Based on these conditions, I really didn't think it
> > would live in a
> > tank, so I'm surprised that it has done so well.
> >
> > I'll try to take a better shot tonight.
> >
> > Geoff
> >
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