Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- spotfin shiner question
From: Christopher Scharpf (
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 19:02:38 CST
> I have had a group of five for about a week now....they seem
> they are chasing each other constantly. Will this ever end?
Probably not. Cyprinella are fractional spawners, which means they spawn --
and, hence, chase each other -- all spring and summer long. And right now
they think it's spring/summer in your tank.
How many males do you have among the 5? Thinning out a male or two may help.
> Will adding other species help?
Probably not. When Cyprinella are going full-tilt boogie, they don't pay
attention to much else. I once watched a pair of satinfins spawn directly in
front of my face while snorkeling. They didn't seem to care that I kept
moving in for a closer look.
Chris Scharpf
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:57 CST