Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- spotfin shiner question
From: Todd D. Crail (tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu)
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 21:50:31 CST
Hi Mike,
I'll agree with Chris. They don't stop. What I've found is smaller
specimens keep longer and much less aggressively. If I bring them home in
spawning condition, they fight and fight and fight. But if I get a sub-male
or females, they're very calm, cool fish that add that nice shimer to the
Generally what I do, because I really enjoy the big males, as anyone
would... is put them in with sunfish, blacknose dace, and Pimephales
minnows. It's the boisterous bunch :) And then I don't have to watch and
make sure anyone is getting what they need. They're all so danged greedy.
The other species you mention, for the short term, will be unbothered and
ready to add-in-any time, with one caveat... I've never had success keeping
topminnows with spotfins. It's too hard to get them enough food. They
won't get beat on... but they will starve. I've successfully done this
twice... and now topminners stay in with the more quiet gang where I can
assure they get their food. Which has been so far, so good... and I'm
keeping a 12 pack of them in the 100 gallon, so there is some competition
between the topminnows.
Hope this helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Scharpf" <>
> Probably not. When Cyprinella are going full-tilt boogie, they don't pay
> attention to much else. I once watched a pair of satinfins spawn directly
> in
> front of my face while snorkeling. They didn't seem to care that I kept
> moving in for a closer look.
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:57 CST