-----Original Message-----
From: geoffrey kimber <gkimber2 at gmail.com>
Sent: Oct 13, 2005 8:16 AM
To: nanfa-l at nanfa.org
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- snakehead news clip
this is a real story - it played on the news I think Monday or Tuesday.
re: promoting consumption-
I can agree that this is a two edged sword. If we develop *too* much
of a taste for the fish, then there may be temptation to move them to
other drainages as we are so fond of doing. On the other hand, if we
develop a demand for the fish we are more likely to be able to reduce
their numbers here in the Potomac. I know that if I catch one, I'll
eat it. If I like it, I'll try to catch more. On the other hand, if
I find any
re: salt tolerance:
I found a transcript of a chat session with a snakehead biologist. He
stated that the northern snakehead was not tolerant of even brackish
water, so there should be no spread of snakeheads via saline waters.
here's the link:
It's 18 months old, but still seems to have good info.
I thought it interesting to read. At one time, the biologist
mentioned that when large mouth bass were introduced into China,
snakehead numbers declined. looks like it is susceptible to
Geoff Kimber
Rappahannock drainage (No snakeheads here!)
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