Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- OT: Top Bog Snorkeler ?
Prizma at
Date: Fri Sep 10 2004 - 17:10:10 CDT
Hey Casper, ever snorkel in a bog?
_Click here: TLC :: News :: Top Bog Snorkeler a Welshman, Again_
wish it had pics.
the only bog experience ive had was as a scout summer camping somewhere
around minnisota. we walked on bogs and bounced on bogs. a big snapper lived in
the clear lake portion and we collected toads at night to feed the beast
during the day. toads cant swim too fast. btw... lots of big snappers off ranger
bob's bow last weekend... kinda like a "thar she blows... er...goes!"
if you sink in a bog dont they dig you up in a few thousand years and put
you in a museum or something? that might be kinda hard to explain.
some of the swamps south of here would put a bog to shame. much muckyier,
got snakes and gators too. chiggers, skeeters, yellow flies and other assorted
blood suckers. some stuff dont rinse off to good.
heck them bog snorkelers got nothing on us.
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:17 CST