Subject: NANFA-L-- Re: nanfa-l-digest V1 #42
From: Traci Greve (rnbwdarter at
Date: Fri Sep 10 2004 - 18:02:40 CDT
I think the "the minnow" may be a little too generic. To some people a minnow is anything that is small and isn't a game species. How about a more scientific grouping like the sucker, madtom or darter? I'd be up for that. "The darter" is precise, yet there is a wide diversity in darters.
<I still go for the generic fish, that lives in both Alaska and Florida
(say, "the minnow"). We could provide an excellent rationale for
designating not a single species but a group the "National Fish." After
all, isn't America about diversity?>
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:17 CST