NANFA-- daphnia collecting

R. W. Wolff (
Sat, 10 Apr 2004 14:19:58 -0500

Finally had a night to get out and do some bug hunting. Did really good. Not
only did lots of small brown daphnia get caught, but lots of fairy shrimp
and these big ( compared to daphnia) red things that are probably cyclops of
some sort. They look like cooked shrimp with two big attenae they swim with.
They get to a quarter inch long easy.

Also some mosquitoe larvae, tiny cadis fly larvae, predatory beetle larvae,
and some tiny predatory beetles and a few snails. The water was very low and
this portion of swamp was fish free for the first time in years, which
porbably led to the high amounts of small bugs to catch.

There were lots of frogs to be heard, but not many seen, and no salamanders
were observed. it was a short trip. But lots of full happy fish today.

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