> Gary,
> Would you share your paste food recipe and preparation with us.
> Jim Graham
> the Old Retired Guy
> Hastings, MI
My recipe's in transition, but here are the basics:
one pound fresh shrimp ($6.99 cdn)
two pounds artificial crabmeat ($3.99 per pound cdn )
a few tablespoons decapsulated artemia eggs
1 teaspoon 'naturosa' from Brine Shrimp Direct
1 teaspoon spirulina powder
leftover flakefood
one jar each of 'second step' baby food peas and carrots
2 packets knox gelatine
Put the shrimp and crab into your blender til it jams. Dump it out and chop like a
madman, cursing in every language you know. Decide to buy one of those stick type
blender devices you've seen on "Emiril Live".
Once you have chopped three pounds of meat into a mushlike paste (and used all
your curse words), add the vegetables and powders. Stir like a madman.
Put on your glasses, then add the gelatine according to the very tinily printed
instructions on the packet. Stir like a madman. Remove your glasses from the mush
after they fall off your nose.
I had five 1/4 inch thick large ziplock freezer bags. I let them cool in the
fridge to set the gelatine, then froze them.
Postives are the fish love it, I have about 5 lbs of food, so it's much cheaper
than frozen bloodworms, and I have a superstitious belief it enhances colour.
Negatives are if the food thaws before you feed it, it fouls the water. Fed as
frozen chunks, it's fine.
Next time, I will reduce the amount of baby food and forget the flake. I was
looking for something to bind it all together. I'll also get a blender that can
chop more than two shrimp at a time, as chunks are to be avoided unless you have
big fish (the sunfish love them).
It's eaten by finicky killies like Diapterons, all my natives but my mudminnows,
all my characins and dwarf cichlids. I'll make it again. It's my staple, largely
replacing bloodworm, which I am allergic to.
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