NANFA-- ohio darters
Frauley Elson (
Sun, 06 Aug 2000 13:00:45 -0400
Hello all,
I'd like to thank the NANFA Ohio members who helped me with darter
advice for my trip to the Cleveland area.
I went out yesterday with 2 friends from the Ohio Cichlid Asociation,
after discovering quite a few of their members had gotten into tropicals
after watching darters in creeks as kids.
Our first site was a creek/tributary of the Rocky River. The water was
shallow (from 2 inches to 2 feet) clear and barely flowing. There were a
few inch long dace, and lots of rainbow darters. Even in laid back
coloration, they are beautiful.
The second site was the Rocky River itself, a stretch which had just had
one bank bulldozed. The result was tons of silt and a very battered
micro-environment. We'd been told the algae covered rocks would be
interesting, only there was no algae, just silt. We tried anyway, and
came away with six greenside darters.
Fun stuff.
All the fish are safely in Montreal now, however, I have a last
question. The greensides have what appear to be tiny leeches on their
fins. How should I treat them?
-Gary Elson
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