Mark B wrote:
> At 1:00 PM -0400 8/6/00, Frauley Elson wrote:
> >All the fish are safely in Montreal now, however, I have a last
> >question. The greensides have what appear to be tiny leeches on their
> >fins. How should I treat them?
> Pat Johnson just got some arrow darters with small leeches on them.
> Yesterday, he was picking them off one by one with tweezers and a knife
> blade. These things were hard and rubbery, and would more often break in
> half than come loose. It was nearly impossible to grip them with the
> tweezers. He went to the knife blade and thumb nail. The fish was looking
> very stressed after a while of this. I gave him some Trifon and warned
> that I would make no predictions about how it might effect the darters.
> Also that it is highly toxic and should be handled with extreme caution.
> It's a Kordon product that I got from ThatFishPlace, 888-842-8738. I have
> not used it for leeches yet, but have used it successfully for Ergasilus.
> Mark Binkley
> Columbus Ohio USA <))><
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