I snorkeled a little creek called Menominee. The fish diversity seen the
two days was mainly limited to Johnny Darters up close and the incessant
darting back and forth of Southern Redbelly Dace; I saw one Central
Stoneroller, also. I was disaapointed with the water clarity- limited to
about two feet (not bad considering the presence of a cornfield only yards
from shore). Most of the time I was dragging myself over riffles (the
streambed was recently bulldozed flat) so the only things I really missed
out on with the poor clarity were the dashing minnows. This time of year,
none of the species were displaying spawning colors.
I would have to say that the most thrilling part of the whole experience
was the fact that by the end, I was shivering- while the rest of the
Midwest was baking their brains out. Take for an example the unfortunate
football player who died of heat stroke, God rest his soul.
Travis Haas
Hazel Green, WI
In case of heat- head for the creek
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