Check out yard sales for a wet suit. That's where I got mine & Jonathan's.
You'll be able to enjoy the water a lot longer without paying dive shop
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 07:18 PM 8/2/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I've listened to everyone's stories of bliss while snorkeling, so I took
>advantage of this Tuesday and Wednesday's hot temps (heat index of 115F-
>that's definitely hot around here) to try my hand at it.
>I snorkeled a little creek called Menominee. The fish diversity seen the
>two days was mainly limited to Johnny Darters up close and the incessant
>darting back and forth of Southern Redbelly Dace; I saw one Central
>Stoneroller, also. I was disaapointed with the water clarity- limited to
>about two feet (not bad considering the presence of a cornfield only yards
>from shore). Most of the time I was dragging myself over riffles (the
>streambed was recently bulldozed flat) so the only things I really missed
>out on with the poor clarity were the dashing minnows. This time of year,
>none of the species were displaying spawning colors.
>I would have to say that the most thrilling part of the whole experience
>was the fact that by the end, I was shivering- while the rest of the
>Midwest was baking their brains out. Take for an example the unfortunate
>football player who died of heat stroke, God rest his soul.
>Travis Haas
>Hazel Green, WI
>In case of heat- head for the creek
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