Re: NANFA-- Constructing a pond under and around an A/C unit
Fri, 29 Aug 2003 12:40:12 EDT

patio, herb and tomato garden, ac unit and fish pond. hey throw in a built in
firepit and weane roaster!
with good planning you can do it! excellent project.

a fella mentioned the hot air off a ac unit. yes that is a problem. you want
your ac unit where it has plently of ventilation for maximum cooling effect.
another reason why the cools should be cleaned annually... doing this greatly
reduces your energy bill. you can do it yourself. i had to buid a deflector
that sits on top of my unit. before everytime i opened my back door a blast of
hot air would hit me. unpleasant.

with a hill terracing really looks cool. wood, stones, brick, levels,
containers, awnings.
dream it design and start building asap. then add fish.

i guess i have room for a few more tanks jim. oh yea... ! ive got a
proliferation of lined topminnow fry. i dug and setup a 150 gallon inground pool which
i covered w/ a canopy to keep out the pine cones and needles as they killed
everything last year. toxic green seeping turpentined pine cones from the sky.
now the protected pool is LUSH w/ anacharis and millfoil and hornwort. very
thick. very clear water. lots of fry. fortunatly the parents did not jump out of
the pool which i worried over. topminnows are known jumpers.
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