--- "Crail, Todd" <tcrail_at_northshores.com> wrote:
> I'll bite :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: m c
> Ok, to avoid intruige, Let's start our hearings on
> canidates for my class aqurium with muddminnows.
> The issues involoved are:
> 1: Is the canidate availible to take the position?
> (anybody willing to mail be a couple)
> [Can't help there. Those who do have them have
> piles]
Do any committee members live within the canidate's
> 2: Does the canidate have a problem working with
> other parties, esp the Southern party, who will be
> represented in the tank by the pre approved
> honorable
> Red Bellied Dace.
> [Even tempered to the core... Until you get in the
> way of his food.]
Are you implying, Sir, that the canidate is a glutton?
That can be a serious charge Sir.
> 3: Is the canidate willing to take the job for the
> pay offered? (rotating flakes, granduals, Freeze
> dried, and other, with only occational live foods)
> [If it's available, he'll eat it.]
Would that include other office staff? If so what
size? What about the canidate yet to be discussed the
Bluefin Killie?
> 4: Can the canidate tolorate the job conditions?
> (room temp in classroom, with possible summers on a
> 80-90 F front porch; wildly varying photo periods
> depending on if I am turning off the lights
> frequently
> for Power points or not that day, 20 gal tank,
> mixed
> species, HOT power filter.)
> [I thought labrynth fish were tough until I met
> this canidate hehheh]
I've known Betta Splenda Sir, and you Sir, are no
Betta Spleda.
> 5: Is the canidate willing to accept the office
> with
> out extensive redecorating? (moving some pebbles
> ok,
> eating the plants is not.)
> [Generally quite content will all surroundings.
> Get's a little jumpy in excessive current.]
> 6: What are the canidates qualifications?
> [Friendly, fearless, peaceful, and very easy to
> have around]
> 6a; Does it have an interesting color?
> [If swirls of olive and brown are interesting, yes.
> If SCREAMIN GREEN is a requirement, look
> elsewhere]
> 6b; Does it have an interesting shape?
> [The canidates best feature.
> http://www.thejump.net/id/central-mudminnow.htm]
> 6c; Does it have an interesting behavior?
> [Flutters around like an NFL linebacker doing
> ballet. It's amazing to watch :) ]
> 6d; Does it have an interesting history?
> [Other than being related to pikes, I'm not sure.
> Ray Wolff prolly has a lot more information about
> that.]
What do you say to this, Committee Member Wolff?
> 7: What is the canidate's past job experience?
> (Anybody ever keep these guys in a tank?)
> [Fascinating member of that system. I had one in
> with some darters and a top minnow in a 20 long. I
> put the whisper filter in the center so there was
> current down the middle, and then the mudminnow and
> topminnow could hover in quiet waters elsewhere.]
> 8: Is the canidate likly to leave a legacy? (breed
> with out prompting, not really important for my
> purposes. Viable fry not really needed, but
> breeding
> behavior would be nice)
> [From what I understand... You find them a date,
> and you pretty much have babies.]
If the canidate brings a partner to the office, at
this point there is no objection. (if someone mails me
a pair, great. How easy are the fry to raise, would
the eggs survive with the other fish?)
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