--- John Bongiovanni <bongi_at_cox-internet.com> wrote:
> Fundulus have gotten very used to my arm. So much
> so they come running when I clean the glass or what
> ever. They attack my arm, yank on the hair and they
> actually opened a small scab one time. They just
> kept hitting it until it started bleeding. Is that
> gross or what?
> John
> >
> > From: "Crail, Todd" <tcrail_at_northshores.com>
> > Date: 2002/12/05 Thu AM 08:47:38 CST
> > To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
> > Subject: NANFA-- noturus kitty chow, part deux.
> >
> > well... so much for the skewer or paper clip or
> and type of apparatus.
> > "spicoli the stone cat" was so excited yesterday
> when the paperclip of yum
> > arrived, i decided this morning to get racey and
> put my hand down there. yep,
> > he doesn't have *any* problem taking fd krill
> right out of my fingers. :)
> >
> > i was a bit concerned about getting "tommed", but
> i kept telling myself that
> > catfish are very very targeted feeders, they're
> not the bottom sucking hapless
> > foragers they're normally portrayed to be, and
> sure enough, he didn't come a
> > bit close to my fingers. the only concern i have
> now is while doing
> > maintenance and my hand is the cue for feeding
> time. then again, i think my
> > fingers would just get checked out... i could
> always load him up before i got
> > in there :)
> >
> > i thought about this as well... i didn't want
> anyone to assume that i was
> > committing any act of ethnic defacement in his
> name. the name "spicoli" comes
> > from a movie called "fast times at ridgemont high"
> where sean penn played a
> > suferdude character that's become somewhat of a
> counter culture hero of sorts.
> > for example, he ordered pizza to one of his
> classes because he was <ahem>
> > hungry. he was literally a "Stoned Kat". :)
> >
> > and btw... spicoli's favorite rock pile is now
> known as "the van".
> >
> > http://www.farmertodd.com
> > I hope you know that this will go down on your
> permanent record.
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Bill Hoppe
Yellville Arkansas
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/ reflect the beliefs or goals of the North American Native Fishes
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