RE: NANFA-- Fw: Great Lakes Flora and Fauna resource
Crail, Todd (
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 17:01:15 -0500
Dr. Smith had us test this out for them at the Convention. Looks like they've been quite busy. They really only had "Search By Species" then. This "By Map" totally rules! Thanks for posting this Pete.
Imagine that... Creek Chubsuckers, River Chubs and Spotted Suckers in Swan Creek at South Avenue and in Springfield Township. Now all you'll find are shopping carts, budwesier cans and county posted signs saying "Do Not Touch This Water!" <sigh> I'm gonna have to get in there after the next good flood dilutes all the nasties and check it out. I've been apprehensive up until now because all of the postings, but I think it's time to put on a respirator to avoid getting a drink, and go at it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Liptrot
Sent: Mon 12/9/2002 4:45 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Fw: Great Lakes Flora and Fauna resource
Of interest?
> The University of Michigan Library and its project partners, the Fish and
> Mammal Divisions of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology and the
> Fungus Collection of the University of Michigan Herbarium, are pleased to
> announce a new digital library resource, "Flora and Fauna of the Great
> Lakes Region," at
> The web site provides access to specimen materials selected from the three
> museum divisions' extensive Great Lakes holdings. When complete, the
> resource will include 11 sub-collections, containing many images as well
> collection data. A working prototype for a system to provide integrated
> access to all of the Museum Divisions' collections and additional content
> such as field notes and other supplementary information, the site is
> intended to facilitate access to natural history collections for the
> general user as well as the specialist interested in searching across
> domains. The web site was developed using the Library's DLXS suite of
> tools for building digital libraries.
> Content will continue to be added to the online collections through
> December 2002.
> This project was funded by a generous grant from the Institute of Museum
> and Library Services, Library-Museum Collaboration Program.
> For additional information, contact Terri Geitgey, Project Librarian, at
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