The focus has been to conserve/preserve waterfowl but as we've seen... preserve the birds and many other native organisms will benefit. Its also done in cooperation with Ducks Unlimited. It seems to be a good program. There are grants and tax incentives to maintaining/restoring wetlands.
I agree whole heartily that this direction should be explored, especially as membership grows.
> From: Arlus F <>
> Date: 2002/12/09 Mon PM 02:45:02 CST
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- NANFA preserve
> It seemed like there was an interest to form a protected watershed zone
> to preserve some of the natural heritage, talk of thinking 20 or 30
> years into the future and imagining an ideal plan of development to
> preserve some natural creek areas.
> Sounds good to me, I am of the opinion that all riparian corridors have
> special value to future generations, and is something I would be
> interested in supporting as a serious, professional effort. Are there
> examples of this kind of stewardship, possibly models of how this might
> be accomplished? Both on a private interest based ownership and also
> public state or federal sponsorship? What about volunteering to develop
> easements that filter out farm waste and provide habitat for wildlife?
> Arlus
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