RE: NANFA-- RE: digital cameras (here's one for you Jay)

Crail, Todd (
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 09:26:08 -0500

Okay Kiddos... Here's the macros from the Canon A40:

That was shot thru the glass and I am very impressed. This is the best macro
capability I've seen yet for so little. Granted, he's shooting under 250 watt
halide, so we haven't played with low light yet... But I think this is a fine
package for the price. I asked him for some regular point and click, he
hasn't responded yet. But I'd imagine it's just great as that's the first
criteria that needs met on any camera.

These were shot 1600x1200, I reduced them to 640x480 and scaled down the image
information because I figured no one wanted to download 1.1mb pics heh.
However, if the source image were printed out on photopaper on any decent
deskjet, it'd look like any standard SLR took it. Again, I am *very*

Oh, and I hope Sajjad and Jay don't mind me sharing this with the group... For
another $250 you can get an underwater casing!!!!!! :)

I just can't believe how inexpensive stuff is getting. I'm seriously
considering getting one of these for my photography out in the water. I'm
getting a little too comfortable cavorting around with my coolpix that would
cost about $900 to replace if I couldn't find one used or refurbed... Now, if
they'd just get a 36" or so plasma flat screen tv down to $1k, I might
actually get a tv again hehheh :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay DeLong
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- RE: digital cameras (here's one for you Jay)

At 02:51 PM 12/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Here's a note from one of my close friends. He picked up a Canon A40 and
>*loves* it. He's satisfied with the macro (he's also a reefer and likes to
>take pics of frags, polychaetes and amphipods etc)

Santa, are you on this list?

Todd, please share any macro shots if he says it's okay. Thanks.

Jay DeLong
Olympia, WA
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