Re: NANFA-- Aquarium Stands
Fri, 12 Dec 2003 08:03:09 EST
i built a 7' tall stand from one sheet of 3/4" plywood. it houses / stacks 4)
10 gallon tanks which leaves about 6" in between each one. ( this is enough
for water changes and most maintenance. ) the tanks are supported on each side
by 2" angle aluminum. when the tanks are minimally empty they can be slid out
for whatever service is needed.
the bottom 2 tanks are a bit to low for viewing so they tend to be
experimental or for medicating. i raised a bunch of srbd in the bottom one thick w/
plants w/ minimal water changes and food. now they are in the top display tank.
heat rises... i have thermometers on each tank and each increases by 2 to 3
degrees going up. ( pumps, lights ) thus i added a small fan at the top to
increase the flow and draw of air.
all have different lights. some spotlight fixtures w/ screw in compacts. most
are attached to back wall of cabinet.
light shields made from 1/8" black plastic sheeting (pvc) are attached / hung
in the front so the only light that emits is from the "viewing glass".
power strips are mounted on the side and cords ported in for lights and
pretty cool... and all from just one sheet of ply. i rounded, stained and
varnished the completed cabinet.
12" deep
22" wide
72" tall ( front )
84" tall back w/ panel extension
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