This is an amazing "book." Each colorful cardboard "page" has embedded in
it plastic models of a shark's skeletal, circulatory, reproductive,
digestive, hepatic, nervous, and muscular systems. Readers paging through
the book deconstruct/construct a shark as they learn about all aspects of
shark biology and fish anatomy. Functionally , it works the same way as
those human anatomy transparencies in old biology text books. The
"sidebars" are a lot more interesting, though, and cover topics like -
tooth types, fin functions, oddball species, sixth sense, etc..
Supplementary illustrations are excellent. This is like a short course on
form-and-function in fishes.
Definitely a great gift for anyone interested in the way a fish is put
together and how it works. Rated for ages 8 and up so its appropriate for
almost anybody.
I got mine at Sam's for $10.87.
- Jan
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