My thinking toward megalotis x humilis is a humilis eye position, slope of
the head and sort of opalescence to the spot on the operculum. However, the
operculum is very elongate and does possess some red coloration. So I
agree, I'm pretty sure that megalotis is in the mix. And megalotis was
definately the dominant species at the site.
Cyanellus hybrids that I've seen and were without question seem to have much
more stout soft dorsal, anal and caudal fins, in addition to having a mouth
that extends well into below the eye. Certainly not a rule, but I would
argue more toward humilis with the former thoughts in mind.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Bock" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Some eye candy and stuff...
> This fish has a red edge on the opercular flap, something that I've never
> seen on a bluegill or a green. The edging on the fins is suggestive of a
> green sunfish. I'd guess the other parent species to be a longear. The
> other possibilities are either a pumpkinseed or a shell cracker.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lance Merry" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 2:20 PM
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Some eye candy and stuff...
> > Todd maybe that hybrid's a bluegillxgreen?
> >
> >
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