Quoting "Ipchay61_at_aol.com" <Ipchay61 at aol.com>:
> In a message dated 12/28/2003 2:58:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> idleweed_at_tusco.net writes:
> > Has anyone figured out how much a circulating pump for a small pond costs
> > for electricity? I want to build a pond less than two feet deep and
> probably
> > eight feet across. If my electric goes up a little bit ($10.00 a month) I
> > don't care but if it goes up much more it will be a problem. Thanks for
> any
> > help.
> >
> > Dave Smith
> > Dennison, Ohio
> Dave,
> A lot depends on the size of the pump. I'm looking at a MagDrive 7 for my
> ponds. This pumps will do ~700gph and draws 60 watts so it would be
> equivalent
> to a 60 watt light bulb being on all the time.
> Chip in SC
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