> Chip
> What kind of minnows, killis and darters might we find?
> Bob Muller
> ----
A lot depends on which collecting trip you opt to take. A list of likely
candidates would be:
sailfin shiner
dusky shiner
ironcolor shiner
coastal shiner
sandbar shiner
fieryblack shiner
yellowfin shiner
greenfin shiner
golden shiner
lined topminnow
golden topminnow
bluefin killifish
rainwater killifish
striped killifish
sheepshead pupfish
swamp darter
sawcheek darter
tessellatted darter
savannah darter
seagreen darter
turquoise darter
blackbanded darter
piedmont darter
least killifish
sailfin molly
eastern mosquitofish
This is by no means an absolute list. There are many I couldn't think of.
Hope this helps.
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