not that i'm aware of.
it looks an awful lot like a regular bucket lid - except it has small holes
in it and a hinged center piece that allows you entrance. the center piece
has a "clip" that inserts into the rest of the lid to hold it shut.
i've used them for years but can't find an inexpensive source anymore (last
time i saw them i bought all the shop had but that's been 7 or 8 years ago
and i'm down to my last one.....i think i paid 5 or 6 dollars apiece for
them but i seem to have killed those brain cells)
if you think you want one and, after getting it, really don't like/want it,
i could be talked into giving you back your 3.50 if you'd send me back the
lid and i'm sure the post office, if you asked nicely, would refund
shipping charges.......
(although shipping it twice would probably be more expensive than the lid)
Russell McGraw
(what does it mean when the post office flag flies at half mast? it means
they're hiring.....)
(and, before any one else snipes, my wife works for i'm kind
of allowed the cheap shots.....)
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