NANFA-- plastic storage tubs as aquariums?
Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:12:28 EST
I have been thinking about the idea of using the plastic storage tubs
(that you get at K-mart or the like) as aquariums, the ones with the tops. I
was cleaning my closets the other day, and came across several of them (about
1ft X 2ft). They are about 6in deep. I thought they would look nice on the
floor, with lilies and arrowheads growing out of the tub. Of course, I would
have no use for the top. A concern is the fact that they are plastic...
doesn't seem like that would work out so nice. With my budget, I can't go out
and buy nice big aquariums, I have to improvise... Anyone ever used them as
aquariums? Any opinions/info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! __Dan
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