Re: NANFA-- plastic storage tubs as aquariums?
R. W. Wolff (
Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:30:16 -0600
I have used them outside buried ( larger ones) as ponds but the sun breaks
them down. I use small ones indoors as back up tanks for after collecting
trips, when I have alot of extra fish I am raising from a spawn too. I find
them handy for moving fish in and out of doors. Many killi keepers use them
to raise fry too. You can use the larger deeper ones for aquariums, but you
have to modify the lid to hold the tub in shape. Right now I am using them
for daphnia, euglena , paramecium, and several worm cultures. Enough light
penetrates them for the daphnia and euglena to do well. They should work
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