Jonathan and I collected briefly in Bear Creek the next day (just SW of
Atlanta), but we didn't encounter any substantial high water. We caught
stonerollers, hogsuckers, 1 logperch, a variety of darters, and some
mystery shiners. I'm giving them a few days to color up before I try to
make a positive ID. They are a light purple and have very fine scales. The
dorsal has a band of red followed by another color that looks like it may
become blue. They have very short faces with the eyes set forward. If I get
stumped, I may appeal to the CRI for help.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 09:35 AM 2/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
>And congrats Steven, you received that berserk storm after we had it in
>northern Alabama. I hope you at least got rain with it... Streams here are
>still at high-water stage, which in some ways makes it easier to collect
>fish because many disperse to shallow flood plains. I hope to do a local
>trip Wednesday afternoon to Mountain Fork of the Flint River, see if I can
>find darters in breeding coloration yet. I have a male black darter (Eth.
>duryi) who is very vivid now; I'm hoping for local rainbow darters, esp.
>--Bruce Stallsmith
>Cyprinodont Research Institute
>Huntsville, AL
>>Congratulations Ray & Della. Also, please welcome my newest grand daughter
>>born Friday night in the midst of a thunderstorm. Her name is Brianna
>>Celeste McCarthy, 7lbs 2oz.
>>Steven A. Ellis
>>Kennesaw, GA
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