Re: NANFA-- Native fish program

Gordon James (
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 07:20:13 -0400

DO you have an outline of what you did?

----- Original Message -----
From: Denkhaus, Robert <DenkhaR_at_Ci.Fort-Worth.TX.US>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 11:43 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Native fish program

> I offered a "native aquaria" program which described how to set up a
> fish aquarium and discussed topics such as local species, conservation,
> collecting methods and ethics, etc. this past weekend (Sunday afternoon).
> Despite competing with 80 degree temperatures and the desire to simply be
> outside, I managed to attract 5 very interested folks and a few mildly
> interested ones. The 5 comprised 2 families (a couple and a father with
> two sons) and they left psyched up about collecting and keeping native
> for fun and education. After 2 hours of discussing the hows and whys of
> native fish keeping, we examined the nature center's 100 gallon Trinity
> River community tank (longear sunfish, warmouth, black crappie, bluegill,
> carp, black bullhead, golden shiner & a number of native plants) and
> everyone was jazzed! They left carrying extra copies of the current AC
> (Thanks, Chris!) and extra copies of the NANFA membership form!!!
> Hopefully, we will have a couple new members from the Fort Worth area!!
> Rob Denkhaus
> Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

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