Then you use a refugium.
I've thought of doing something similar with a
livebearer as prey and a larger predator fish. But you would need a large
tank with lots of room for prey and comparatively little space for the
predator. Not that it's impossible, just not suited to a 50 gallon tank...
unless the predators are quite small and few.
It works in 1500 gal + tanks. You don't have any this size? >;-)
Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf
Of Mark
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- That whole sandbed thing.
At 12:25 PM -0500 2/2/03, Nick Zarlinga wrote:
>I thought the purpose of the flourite was to provide nutrients to the roots
>of the plants? With your set up, where will the nutrients come from if the
>roots are below the flourite into the sand?
Why not mix the flourite inot the sand?
>I also am
>interested in getting some "live sand" from a stream and seeing what kind
>creepy crawlies a system can support. Then I would be curious to see how
>well fishes such as hog suckers do.
As with any predator/prey relationship, I would expect you would need a
very large sandbed full of inverts to supplement just one sucker.
Otherwise the sucker/s will clean out all the prey and the prey won't be
able to reproduce. I've thought of doing something similar with a
livebearer as prey and a larger predator fish. But you would need a large
tank with lots of room for prey and comparatively little space for the
predator. Not that it's impossible, just not suited to a 50 gallon tank...
unless the predators are quite small and few.
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